Opening hours of the Day Centers for Homeless People run by Diakonie Düsseldorf
Weekends in March
Shelteropen Mon.–Fri. 8am–6pm; every Sat.+Sun.+public holidays 9am–5pm.
Drinking water
free opportunities in Düsseldorf
Free public places can be found on this
Doctor's office in the Old Town
Medical advice and primary care for homeless and poor people
Free medical advice and primary careevery Wednesday, 2–4pm
Medical foot care for homeless people
next podological sessions
People without a home who need podological help can come to the Horizont day center once a month.The next appointments are on Mondays between 2pm and 4pm on
Ask the Doc – current health information
monthly, next events
Every month we offer the opportunity to ask a doctor questions that are on your mind – in a pleasant atmosphere with coffee and goodies.
Medical psychiatric consultation for uninsured persons
every two weeks at café pur, Harkortstraße 27
Our consultation hours are aimed at all homeless people aged 18 and over in Düsseldorf who have a psychiatric question on their mind.
café creativ – a creative project for people without a home and poor people
Tuesdays and Wednesdays
Creative activities such as painting, a sewing group and a bicycle workshop will take place again.
Extended aid for homeless people from the EU
Since 2019, two assistance services have been available for homeless citizens from other EU countries.
Dental care for homeless people
on weekdays
Do you have pain? Have you not been to the doctor for a long time? Do you have serious concerns? We can also help you with the necessary dental treatment.
Healthy breakfast, big or small
please inquire at the day centers:

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