Legal notice
Content provider identification acc. to Section 5 of the German Digital Services Act [Digitale Dienste Gesetz, DDG]
Diakonie Düsseldorf
Gemeindedienst der evangelischen Kirchengemeinden e. V.
Platz der Diakonie 1
40233 Düsseldorf
Represented by the members of the Board
Michael Schmidt, CEO,
Tanja Buck
Anja Vennedey
Phone 0211 73 53 0
Fax 0211 73 53 200
Register of associations: VR 3373, Düsseldorf Local Court
VAT ID: DE121240838
Responsible for the content:
Michael Schmidt, CEO,
Tanja Buck
Anja Vennedey
Kai Lingenfelder
Neusser Straße 37
40219 Düsseldorf
Tel 0211 300 643 0
Fax 0211 300 643 12
Programming and web design
Notes on liability
The contents of external links are carefully checked by us. Nevertheless, we do not accept any liability for the content of external sites linked to or from our website. The content of these sites is the sole responsibility of their respective providers.
© 2018-2024 Diakonie Düsseldorf