Drug Aid - Contact Bus

Outreach assistance

Worringer Platz und weitere



Opening hours:

Monday (Düsseldorfer Drogenhilfe e.V.):
11:30am - 2pm Worringer-Platz
2pm - 4pm Konrad Adenauer-Platz
Tuesday (Flingern mobil e.V.):
10:00am - 12:30pm Worringer-Platz
12:30pm - 2pm Bertha von Suttner-Platz
Wednesday (Düsseldorfer Drogenhilfe e.V.):
11:30am - 2pm Worringer-Platz
2pm - 4pm Konrad Adenauer-Platz
Thursday (SKFM e.V.):
10:00am - noon Worringer-Platz
noon - 2pm Konrad Adenauer-Platz
Friday (SKFM e.V.):
10:00am - 2pm Worringer-Platz

We have room for:

  • w
  • m
  • nein

You'll also find here:

Further Information

For people in insecure living conditions, people who use drugs, people who are dependent on illegal drugs.

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